SubQuery in Doctrine 2.x using getDQL()

$queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
$queryBuilder2 = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();

$subQuery = $queryBuilder2->select('COUNT(fr.status)')
            ->from(FeedbackRequest::class, 'fr')
            ->where('fr.giverId = iu.userId')
$Query = $queryBuilder->select('iu')
        ->addSelect("(".$subQuery->getDQL().") statusCount")
        ->from(InstitutionUser::class, 'iu')

Shyam has written 29 articles

Shyam is senior full stack developer, who loves to explore new technologies and work on them. He's passionate about coding so can code 24/7. He uses PHP as a backend programming language.

He knows Laravel, MySQL, AngularJS, ReactJS, Redis, Kubernetes, Git, CodeIgniter, PHP, MVC pattern, Lodash, jQuery, VanilaJS, Teamcity and many other technologies and tools.

Shyam writes notes and hacks on his blog ( In spare time he can be found @ StackOverflow or crafting any new open source application.

Passionate Programmer and Meditator #PERIOD.